Edoardo Turbil
Full-Time Lecturer, Piano and Keyboard
School of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Juilliard Piano DMA'21
Guangdong, 518172, P. R. China
+1 (646) 318-5081 | +86 130 2796 1449 |

Edoardo Turbil is considered one of the most brilliant Italian pianists of his generation. Praised by leading figures in the international music world, such as Paul Badura-Skoda and Solomon Mikowsky, he has been hailed as an “excellent pianist, with sensitivity and a well-developed technique” and as someone who is “able to satisfy the highest artistic expectations.” Turbil has performed as a recitalist, soloist with orchestras, and in chamber ensembles in prestigious concert halls and seasons worldwide, including the Teatro Regio in Turin, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Festival of the Two Worlds in Spoleto, Alte Oper Mozart Saal in Frankfurt, “G. Verdi” Theater in Turin, Sala Mozart of Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna, Sala della Pergola and Municipal Theater in Florence, Zunfthaus zur Waag in Zurich, Beijing Central Conservatory Recital Hall, and other cities such as San Jose, Shanghai, Santa Clara, Hong Kong, Bern, Guangzhou, Rome, etc. In 2011, he was invited by the European Central Bank to represent Italy at the Cultural Days Festival, performing as a soloist and in duo with cellist Miriam Prandi, alongside stars like Claudio Abbado and Uto Ughi.
Turbil’s unique and eclectic style is the result of a synthesis between the great Italian and American piano schools. His extensive repertoire, cultivated through years of experience, spans from the classics to works by lesser-performed composers such as Clementi, Sinigaglia, Villa-Lobos, Debussy, Messiaen, Granados, Albéniz, de Falla, Stockhausen, Soler, and Say. Recognized for his light touch and ability to convey vivid musical narratives through a rich palette of colors, Turbil captivates audiences, creating “an enthralling picture of a character torn by longing,” as praised by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He continually pushes boundaries and explores interpretative territories that are both unexpected and respectful, thanks to his solid and reliable technical prowess.
Throughout his career, Turbil has garnered numerous awards and prizes, including the Gold Medal with High Distinction at the Manhattan International Music Competition, the Third Grand Prize and the Prize for the Best Performance of a Baroque work (Scarlatti’s sonatas) at the Chicago International Music Competition, the first prize at the 28th World Music Competition in the piano solo discipline, the First Place at the American Protégé International Piano and String Competition, a nomination at the German Piano Award, the Special Prize at the “Arcangelo Speranza” International Piano Competition in Taranto, and the First Prize at the International Bach Competition in Sestri Levante at the age of 10, among others. From 2013 to 2017, he was a recipient of the De Sono Scholarships, awarded annually to the most talented young musicians from Piedmont. In 2022, Turbil received the Melvin Johns Fellowship from Lions Club International in recognition of his tremendous contribution to humanity and the legacy of the founder, Melvin Jones. Starting from 2022, Turbil has been a recipient of the prestigious City-level Talents of Shenzhen Program.
Turbil has engaged in performance projects and collaborations with renowned artists across America, Europe, and China, including Andrea Lucchesini, Pietro De Maria, Joel Sachs, Michael Tsalka, Le Yu, Xiaogang Ye, Vasko Dukovski, Karen Kocharyan, and more. For many years, he has performed in a duo with cellist Miriam Prandi, extensively touring Europe and America. He is currently active as a chamber musician in various ensemble combinations.
Turbil’s musical training follows the rigorous and thorough Italian tradition. He began studying the piano at the age of four and, from eleven to twenty-one, studied under the internationally renowned artist and Scarlatti specialist Maria Tipo. Under her meticulous guidance, Turbil gained extensive performance experience and developed a vast solo repertoire. As a child, he showcased his prodigious talent on Italian national television in 1998. At the age of sixteen, he achieved the Italian Piano Diploma with top marks and honorable mention from the Alessandria State Conservatory. He further pursued his musical education at the Pinerolo Music Academy, where he honed his skills. In 2012, Turbil earned the High Specialization Diploma with top marks and honors from the Fiesole Music School, studying in the studio of renowned concert pianist Andrea Lucchesini. He continued his studies at the Ferrara State Conservatory, where he attained the Specialized Biennium with top marks and honors in 2014. In 2016, Turbil completed his Master’s Degree at the Manhattan School of Music in New York under the tutelage of Russian-Cuban pedagogue Dr. Solomon Mikowsky.
In 2021, Turbil graduated from The Juilliard School’s Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) CV Starr Piano Performance Program, studying with piano chair Dr. Yoheved Kaplinsky. For his Juilliard DMA dissertation, Turbil conducted in-depth research on the music of the unjustly neglected Italian-Jewish composer Leone Sinigaglia (1868-1944) and titled his work “Leone Sinigaglia: A Rediscovery of Brahms’s Italian Apostle.” This thesis received the prestigious Richard F. French Doctoral Prize.
During the 2021/22 and 2022/23 seasons, Turbil released two new albums with Da Vinci Records and Centaur Records, dedicated to the music of Sinigaglia, Brahms, Prokofiev, Bach-Busoni, and Villa-Lobos. In the upcoming 2023/24 season, he will release another album with KNS Classical, focusing on the works of Clementi and Debussy. Additionally, in November 2022, Turbil edited and published the Improvviso and Secondo Studio in D Major for piano by Leone Sinigaglia through Da Vinci Scores.
Turbil is regularly invited to teach masterclasses at prestigious institutions such as Shenzhen Lang Lang Music World, Shanghai Polar Music Center, and Dongguan EGW Musician Art Center Piano—where he holds the honorary position of masterclass professor. He also served as a competition adjudicator for various events, including the Macao Piano Competition Preliminaries and Finals, Shenzhen Vivace Competition, Ningbo Piano Competition, Zhuhai Piano Competition, Shenzhen China Europe Piano Competition, 4th Xiamen International Piano Competition Preliminaries, Shenzhen Lang Lang Music World Piano Concerto Competition, Shenzhen Paris Music Competition, Guangzhou 6th SAE National Youth Piano Competition Tribute to Mozart Finals, and the Guangzhou Blüthner-Internationales Festival der Musik und der dritte Deutsch-Carl Rönish-Internationale Klavierwettbewerb, among others.
Turbil has held teaching positions at The Juilliard School as Teaching Assistant/Fellow, “P. Mascagni” Livorno Conservatory as Piano Duo Visiting Professor, and “G. Verdi” Conservatory as Professor of Pianistic Practice. Since 2022, he is a full-time Piano Major Lecturer at the School of Music of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
As of March 2023, Turbil assumes significant roles within the World Piano Teacher Association (WPTA), serving as the Piano Pedagogy Chapter President, the Artistic Director of the WPTA Piano Pedagogy International Piano Competition (IPC), and the Executive Director of the WPTA Piano Pedagogy World Piano Conference (WPC). Turbil is also the Artistic Director of the 2024 Centro Pecci Piano Festival in Prato (Italy).
Beyond his musical pursuits, Turbil is an enthusiast of mindfulness and transcendental meditation, as well as an avid reader of books on ancient Eastern philosophies.
Overall, Edoardo Turbil stands out as a remarkable Italian pianist of his generation, praised for his exceptional talent, sensitivity, and well-developed technique. His performances have captivated audiences in renowned concert halls worldwide, and his extensive repertoire showcases his versatility and artistic range. With a string of accolades and awards to his name, Turbil continues to push boundaries and explore new interpretative territories. As an accomplished musician and dedicated educator, he imparts his knowledge and expertise through teaching, masterclasses, and competition adjudications. Turbil’s commitment to excellence and his passion for music make him a prominent figure in the contemporary classical music scene.
国际钢琴家Paul Badura Skoda
古典音乐网站MusicWeb International (2021年7月)
Musica 364
“Edoardo Turbil驾驭着一头猛兽一路向前。谁说了算,就这点而言是毫无疑问的。他的技巧掌控不仅令人印象深刻,而且非常吸引人。”
Fanfares (2023年5月-6月)
Phil’s Reviews (2023年5月)
“叶小钢笔下的《落花天》充满了诗文般的隽雅,和声色彩细腻多变,颇有印象派音乐的意趣,又融入了广东音乐的气质和神韵。Edoardo Turbil的演奏凝练而含蓄,浓墨淡彩恰得其宜,表现出对中国音乐风格和气质的独到理解与诠释。”
北京《音乐周报》 (2023年6月)
Edoardo Turbil被誉为他这一代最著名的意大利钢琴家之一。国际音乐界领军人物Paul Badura-Skoda和Solomon Mikowsky分别称赞他为“优秀的钢琴家,具有敏锐的洞察力和精湛的技艺”以及是一位“能够符合最高艺术预期”的钢琴家。”Turbil曾与多个管弦乐团合作,以独奏家、室内乐团成员的身份在国际各大极富盛名的音乐厅及音乐会演出,包括都灵皇家歌剧院(Teatro Regio)、深圳音乐厅、意大利的斯波莱托“两个世界”艺术节、法兰克福的老歌剧院莫扎特厅、都灵的威尔第大歌剧院(“G. Verdi” Theater)、博洛尼亚爱乐学院莫扎特剧院(Sala Mozart)、佛罗伦萨的佩格拉剧院和市政剧院、瑞士苏黎世(Zunfthaus zur Waag)、北京中央音乐学院演奏厅等,还曾在圣何塞、上海、圣克拉拉、香港、伯尔尼、广州、罗马等城市演出。2011年,他受欧洲中央银行之邀,代表意大利参加欧洲央行文化日活动,在活动中独奏、合奏(与大提琴演奏家Miriam Prandi)。包括意大利指挥家Claudio Abbado、小提琴家Uto Ughi在内的知名艺术家也参加了该活动。
Turbil的曲风独特,融合了意大利和美国钢琴流派的艺术风格。经过多年经验积累,他曲目非常丰富,从经典曲目到Clementi、Sinigaglia、Villa-Lobos、Debussy、Messiaen、Granados、Albéniz、de Falla、Stockhausen、Soler、Say等作曲家的作品。Turbil的触感轻盈,色彩丰富,生动传达音乐,让观众沉迷其中,绘制出被《法兰克福汇报》称作“一幅渴望已久的迷人人物画作”。由于技巧扎实,Turbil不断突破界限,探索意想不到又令人尊敬的演奏领域。
Turbil在职业生涯中获得了无数荣耀和奖项,包括曼哈顿国际音乐比赛的最高荣誉金奖、芝加哥国际音乐大赛三等奖、最佳巴洛克作品(Scarlatti的奏鸣曲)演奏奖、第28届世界音乐比赛钢琴独奏组一等奖、美国蒙恬贝尔国际声乐钢琴大赛一等奖、德国钢琴家奖提名、塔兰托“Arcangelo Speranza”国际钢琴大赛特别奖和塞斯特里莱万泰国际巴赫钢琴比赛(10岁组)一等奖等。从2013年至2017年,Turbil是De Sono奖学金的获得者,该奖学金的授予对象是皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)最有才华的年轻音乐家,每年发放一次。2022年,Turbil收到了国际狮子会的茂文钟士(Melvin Jones)奖学金,表彰他对人类的巨大贡献和对国际狮子会创始人茂文钟士的传承。自2022年起,Turbil入选著名的“深圳市市级人才”计划。
Turbil曾与美国、欧洲、中国的知名艺术家合作演出,包括Andrea Lucchesini、Pietro De Maria、Joel Sachs、Michael Tsalka、Le Yu、Xiaogang Ye、Vasko Dukovski、Karen Kocharyan等。多年来,他与大提琴家Miriam Prandi合演二重奏,在欧洲和美国巡回演出。他目前作为室内乐演奏家活跃于各种合奏组合中。
Turbil的音乐训练遵循严格而彻底的意大利传统。Turbil四岁时开始学钢琴,11-21岁师从国际知名艺术家和斯卡拉蒂专家Maria Tipo。在她的精心指导下,Turbil积累了大量演出经验并有了自己的大量独奏曲目。在Turbil还是个孩子的时候,便已登上意大利国家电视台,展现了惊人才华。16岁时,Turbil以最高分获得了意大利钢琴文凭以及亚历山德里亚音乐学院的荣誉奖,然后继续在皮内罗洛音乐学院深造音乐教育,磨练技能。2012年,Turbil以最高分的成绩获得高级专业文凭,成为菲耶索莱音乐学院的荣誉学生,并在著名音乐会钢琴家Andrea Lucchesini的工作室学习。Turbil在费拉拉音乐学院继续深造,于2014年以最高分的成绩获得专业文凭与荣誉。2016年,Turbil毕业于纽约的曼哈顿音乐学院,获得硕士学位,师从俄罗斯-古巴教育家Solomon Mikowsky博士。
2021年,Turbil完成了茱莉亚音乐学院的CV Starr博士钢琴演奏课程,获得音乐艺术博士学位(DMA),师从茱莉亚音乐学院的钢琴系主任Yoheved Kaplinsky博士。在茱莉亚音乐学院音乐艺术博士学位论文中,Turbil对被大众忽视的意大利-犹太作曲家(1868-1944)进行了深度研究,论文题目为:重新发现Brahms的意大利使徒。”本论文荣获著名的Richard F. French博士奖。
2021/22年和2022/23,Turbil发行了两张专辑,分别由Da Vinci Records和Centaur Records唱片公司负责,这两张专辑专门演奏Sinigaglia、Brahms、Prokofiev、Bach-Busoni和Villa-Lobos的音乐。他将在2023/24年与KNS Classical合作发布新专辑,重点放在Clementi和Debussy的作品上。此外,Turbil于2022年11月通过Da Vinci Scores编辑并出版了Leone Sinigaglia钢琴曲《D大调即兴创作与第二声部实验室(Improvviso and Secondo Studio in D Major)。
Turbil在茱莉亚音乐学院担任教学助理/研究生、在“P. Mascagni”里窝那音乐学院担任钢琴二重奏客座教授、在“G. Verdi”音乐学院担任钢琴弹奏练习教授。自2022年起,他成为香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院的全职钢琴专业讲师。
截至2023年3月,Turbil在世界钢琴教师协会(WPTA)中担任重要角色,担任钢琴教学分会主席、WPTA钢琴教学国际钢琴比赛(IPC)艺术总监、WPTA钢琴教学世界钢琴会议(WPC)执行董事。Turbil也是2024 Centro Pecci Piano Festival的艺术总监。
总而言之,Edoardo Turbil是他这一代著名的意大利钢琴家之一,因其非凡才华、灵敏性、成熟技巧而备受赞誉。他在世界各地著名音乐厅演奏,另无数观众陶醉,他丰富的曲目体现出他的多才多艺以及艺术广度。身披一系列荣誉和奖项,Turbil继续突破界限并探索新的演奏领域。作为一名技艺高超的音乐家和富有献身精神的教育工作者,他通过教学、大师课、担任比赛评委等方式传授自己的知识和专业技巧。Turbil追求卓越和对音乐的热忱使他成为当代古典音乐界的杰出人物。